Metal surface treatment

    29. 1. 2024

    Professional research in cooperation with VŠCHT

    What specific impact does pickling and passivation have on the durability of stainless steel materials? Which quantities enter the chemical process and how do they affect the resulting technological...
    22. 1. 2024

    Why is the neutralization station important?

    In the field of surface treatments of stainless steel, it is crucial for us not only to achieve high quality but also to minimize the negative impact on the environment. In this regard, we utilize our...
    17. 8. 2023

    Carbon steel, non-alloy steel, black steel...

    All these terms describe a material that contains a very small percentage of alloying elements and therefore cannot be considered stainless.
    2. 8. 2023

    Immunity of steels

    Do you know how the anti-corrosion properties of austenitic steels work? Very much like human immunity. The extent of our immunity against external influences (viruses, bacteria) is determined by the...
    13. 7. 2023

    Restoration of a fire-damaged stainless steel food processing line

    Fire has the ability to cause unimaginable damage to property. However, not everything that survives this destructive force needs to be immediately discarded.
    1. 3. 2023

    Processing and packaging of goods - how do we proceed?

    The aim of every technological process we carry out is to optimise the final product with regard to the cost of the process. For this reason, we carry out all the work in our seawater plant in several...
    21. 7. 2021

    Special Services:Extra Packaging

    You already know that our company carries out pickling and passivation, blasting or the sale of pickling products. We would like to inform you about other superior services we offer our customers in...
    19. 3. 2021

    Pickling and passivation with Antox pickling agents

    Pickling and passivation is basically carried out by three different methods, differing in the way the pickling agent is applied. What are they and what should you pay particular attention to when...
    18. 8. 2020

    Pickling and passivation: final surface treatment for alloyed stainless steels

    Alloyed stainless steels are increasingly used where stainless properties are suitable or required without the use of a mechanical anticorrosive barrier.

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