New in our operation: a state-of-the-art XRF spectrometer for precise measurement of the composition of steels and alloys
13. 1. 2022
At FK System, we focus on continuous innovation and development. In order to improve the quality of our services, we have newly purchased a handheld XRF spectrometer. In addition to internal analyses, we also offer it for use by our customers. What is the spectrometer used for and how do you need to prepare the surface on which it will be used? We discuss this and much more in our article.
Fast and accurate analysis even on uneven surfaces
The VANTA VCR XRF analyzer is the most modern handheld ED-XRF spectrometer that performs fast and accurate analyses of the elemental chemical composition of metals, alloys and other materials in the elemental range Mg-U.
It can be used to determine the elemental composition of stainless and carbon steels and alloys, but also, for example, aluminum, magnesium and copper alloys. The measurement is very accurate and fast. Thanks to the design of the device and additional equipment, it is possible to measure even uneven or very small samples (slivers).
It can be used to determine the elemental composition of stainless and carbon steels and alloys, but also, for example, aluminum, magnesium and copper alloys. The measurement is very accurate and fast. Thanks to the design of the device and additional equipment, it is possible to measure even uneven or very small samples (slivers).
Working in two modes
The spectrometer most often works in two modes. In the "best match" mode, the device itself assigns the appropriate quality to the measured material, or offers alternatives with the greatest match in elemental composition.
In the comparison mode, the required material quality can be entered directly - the device then displays the measured values within the quality limits, including any deviations.
In the comparison mode, the required material quality can be entered directly - the device then displays the measured values within the quality limits, including any deviations.
How to prepare the measured surface?
For reliable and repeatable measurements, it is necessary to prepare the measured surface. Its grinding is ideal; if grinding is not possible, it is necessary to at least clean it of coarse dirt and wipe it with acetone or alcohol. If you want to analyze silicon, do not use silicon carbide-based abrasives.
The spectrometer can be used to determine the quality of an unknown material, or to verify whether the product meets the required standard. Measurements can be performed both on parts delivered to our pickling shop and on the customer's premises. After the measurement, a report can also be issued with a display of the measured values, or a comparison with the standard.
The price list for spectrometer work can be obtained upon request by e-mail
The spectrometer can be used to determine the quality of an unknown material, or to verify whether the product meets the required standard. Measurements can be performed both on parts delivered to our pickling shop and on the customer's premises. After the measurement, a report can also be issued with a display of the measured values, or a comparison with the standard.
The price list for spectrometer work can be obtained upon request by e-mail
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FK System
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