Processing and packaging of goods - how do we proceed?
1. 3. 2023
The aim of every technological process we carry out is to optimise the final product with regard to the cost of the process. For this reason, we carry out all the work in our seaworld in several modes, which differ in the way of inspection, handling and packaging. These procedures can be carried out for all types of structures, qualities of materials, technological procedures with regard to the composition of the pickling bath, length of pickling, temperature of the bath, etc. In this article, we have prepared a clear inventory of the offered modes of work carried out in the stainless steel pickling plant.
If the customer does not specify the required service in the order, we always follow the assumption that he requires the parts to be processed and packaged as he has handed them over to our production. If the parts are loose on pallets or in cases, we will perform the work in pickling mode. This mode involves the use of clean packing material as a base for the pallet, crate, etc. Furthermore, placing the parts on a pallet or in a crate, strapping them to the pallet and, if necessary, covering the entire pallet or crate with a clean PE film. This mode is suitable for unmachined parts, castings, blanks and non-visible parts. It should be borne in mind that during the pickling process and during subsequent handling and transport, minor contact between the parts and the pickling equipment or with each other may occur.
The appearance of any minor abrasions, scratches or shadows is not considered a defect in this case. Because of this fact, the basic pickling mode is unsuitable for view and machined surfaces or parts prone to damage.
If the customer does not specify the required service in the order, we always follow the assumption that he requires the parts to be processed and packaged as he has handed them over to our production. If the parts are loose on pallets or in cases, we will perform the work in pickling mode. This mode involves the use of clean packing material as a base for the pallet, crate, etc. Furthermore, placing the parts on a pallet or in a crate, strapping them to the pallet and, if necessary, covering the entire pallet or crate with a clean PE film. This mode is suitable for unmachined parts, castings, blanks and non-visible parts. It should be borne in mind that during the pickling process and during subsequent handling and transport, minor contact between the parts and the pickling equipment or with each other may occur.
The appearance of any minor abrasions, scratches or shadows is not considered a defect in this case. Because of this fact, the basic pickling mode is unsuitable for view and machined surfaces or parts prone to damage.

If the parts are delivered separately, do not touch each other or their parts are protected in another way, we will carry out the work in the mode Pickling + Packing EXTRA. In this mode, each part is packed in such a way that it does not touch each other during shipping. Packing thus protects the parts mainly during transport, but in the pickling plant they are processed in bulk. This mode is not suitable for exposed and machined surfaces or parts prone to damage.

If we accept an order for production where each part is wrapped separately (in miralon, bubble wrap, etc.), we process the order in Special Mode. We also select this mode whenever specific requirements are specified in the order, for example: sight part, special handling, do not scratch, carefully, etc. It is suitable and almost always used for customers in the aerospace, nuclear or automotive industries.
The special mode is therefore a procedure designed for all orders that require increased supervision during processing in order to achieve a superior visual quality. The mode includes 100% visual acceptance, photo documentation of non-conforming parts and consultation of the problem with the customer. In addition, pickling with the use of plastic fixtures to define the position of parts between each other and between pickling baskets, drying with minimal contact with each other, 100% output inspection and packaging of parts separately or in very small batches. This mode is recommended for sight and machined surfaces or parts susceptible to damage.
The special mode is therefore a procedure designed for all orders that require increased supervision during processing in order to achieve a superior visual quality. The mode includes 100% visual acceptance, photo documentation of non-conforming parts and consultation of the problem with the customer. In addition, pickling with the use of plastic fixtures to define the position of parts between each other and between pickling baskets, drying with minimal contact with each other, 100% output inspection and packaging of parts separately or in very small batches. This mode is recommended for sight and machined surfaces or parts susceptible to damage.

The list of individual steps for each of these modes is presented in this table for easier orientation:
FK system - povrchové úpravy - modes of work in the stainless steel pickling plant
Mode/Service | Pickling | Pickling + Packing EXTRA | Special mode |
100% input acceptance | For an additional fee | For an additional fee | YES |
Pickling of parts with elimination of mutual contact | NE | NE | YES |
Drying | YES | YES | YES |
Output control | YES | YES | YES |
Lining the crate or pallet with clean paper | YES | YES | YES |
Packing of parts so that they do not touch each other (elimination of scratches) | NE | YES | YES |
Packing of each part separately | NE | NE | YES |
Cover the pallet or crate with foil | YES | YES | YES |
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FK System
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